
您可以由 C JEAN 過去設計系列的時裝、禮服中挑選想要訂製的款式,亦可提出您的需求,由設計師為您設計專屬時裝、禮服、婚紗,並依照您喜歡的布料量身訂製專屬於您的 C JEAN 服裝。
Custom Clothing Tailoring
You can choose from C JEAN's past fashion and evening wear collections to customize the style you desire, or you can provide your requirements for the designer to create exclusive fashion, evening wear, or wedding dresses tailored specifically to you. The garments from C JEAN will be custom-made to fit you perfectly, using your preferred fabrics.

以企業理念為核心,C JEAN 提供形象識別設計服務,全新制服、LOGO、品牌形象設計,由內而外為您的企業打造兼具獨特、優雅的企業文化。
Corporation Visual Identity & Uniform Design
With the core values of the company, C JEAN provides corporate image branding services, offering comprehensive solutions including new uniforms, logo design, and brand identity. From the inside out, we strive to create a unique and elegant corporate culture for your business.

C JEAN 提供高質感的策展服務,包含企業活動結合服裝秀,由我們為您的宣傳活動增添與時尚文化之連結。
C JEAN 亦接受時裝周大秀企業聯名贊助。
Corporate Collaboration Fashion Show
C JEAN offers a fashion show service combined with corporate events, linking your promotional activities with fashion culture.
C JEAN also accepts corporate sponsorship for collaboration in major fashion weeks.
Cooperation Brand

Contact Us
C JEAN showroom
Couture & Shop
3F., No. 95, Sec. 2, Minsheng E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104021 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
(02) 2521-9151
台北市中山區民生東路二段 95 號 3 樓
Breeze Couture
1F., No. 113, Sec. 1, Da'an Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106074 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
(02) 2771-1808
台北市大安區大安路一段 113 號 1 樓